The Industrial Cross

According to the Industrial Cross every enterprise, in its capacity as systemic objects, exists as a result of the synergy of five functional systems:

(1) system for Sales,
(2) system for Internal Provision of Sales (Production),
(3) system for Supplies,
(4) system for Financing and
(5) system for Implementation of the Technological Environment.

The five functional systems of the enterprise manage the assets which are under its control: both its own, as well as the ones attracted from the outside. Examined through a time interval manner as well as from a technologically systemic point of view this management is described as two object flows.

Working capital flow

The first flow is the working capital flow. It overlooks the synergy of the four functional systems for Sales, Production, Supplies and Financing.

Environment flow

The second flow is the Environment flow. It overlooks the synergy of the functional systems for Supplies and Implementation of the Technological Environment. This flow is aimed at securing a technological environment necessary for the functioning of the Working Capital Flow

The Technological Environment flow has two parts: (1) Expenses flow and (2) Investment flow.

Еxpenses flow

this comprises all objects provided by the systems for supply and implementation of the technological environment and used (spent) by the enterprise to maintain the ongoing functional aptness of its technological environment.

Investment flow

this comprises all objects provided by the systems for supply and implementation of the technological environment and used (invested) by the enterprise to introduce qualitative changes to its technological environment.

Implementation of the Technological Environment.

Unlike the other systems (i.e. sales, production, supplies and financing), the implementation of the technological environment is, in fact, a meta-process. On the one hand, it ensures the formation, maintenance and strategical development of the technological environment of the other four fundamental functional systems, on the other, it ensures the same for its own operation.

The establishment of every enterprise starts from the formation and development of its system for implementation of the technological environment. The technological environment of the enterprise consists of two building components (1) technical environment and (2) organizational environment.

Operational Premises

The main foundation and operational element of the technical environment of each enterprise can be appropriately defined by the concept of “operational premise”. Any deeper elaboration on the contents and meaning of the concept of “operational premise” as part of an objectively more precise and correct terminology for describing the modern enterprise would complicate this report. Because of this, we could state that the concept of “operational premise” appears partially synonymous with the colloquial expression of “working space”

The multitude of “operational premises” at the enterprise form the physical basis for the shaping of its multitude of “operational technological fields”. The concept of “operational technological field” is a descriptive term for the main building component of each of the five functional systems of the enterprise.

Operational Premises

Organizational Environment

Besides the “operational premise” (in its role of physical constituent), the “operational technological field” has two more inherent aspects that could be described as “organizational”. These include (1) an array of documented knowledge (in different types and forms) about the operational technological field lifecycle management in accordance with its intended systemic purpose, and (2) a multitude of appointed workers from specific parts of the human resources of the enterprise who are assigned with responsibilities concerning the existence of the respective “operational field”.

Operational Technological Fields

On the basis of one actual “operational premise”, there may be created different “operational technological fields”, required for establishing the functional systems of the enterprise. These include the systems for sales, production, supplies, financing, and implementation of the technological environment.

The multitude of organizational components, which are structurally typical for the multitude of “operational technological fields”, form (and represent) the organizational environment of the enterprise, which is an indispensable part of its technological environment.