Location: Bulgaria

ISEE – Industry 4.0 and the necessity of a new quality human capital

We are pleased to announce that the Scientific-technical Union of Mechanical Engineers of Bulgaria, alongside

  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Federation of the Scientific-Technical Unions in Bulgaria
  • Technical University, Sofia
  • Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”
  • University of National and World Economy, Sofia
  • Technical University, Varna
  • Technical University, Gabrovo
  • Ruse University „Angel Kanchev”
  • „Todor Kableshkov” University of Transport, Sofia
  • University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia
  • University of Mining and Geology „St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia
  • University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia
  • Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski”
  • „St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University, Veliko Turnovo
  • „D. A. Tsenov” Academy of Economics, Svishtov
  • New Bulgarian University, Sofia
  • „Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Turnovo
  • Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Society of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP)
  • Association of Mechanical Engineers, Slovakia
  • Association of Mechanical Engineers, Czech Republic
  • Union of Metallurgists, Macedonia
  • Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
  • Union of Mechanical Engineers, Ukraine
  • Scientific-Technical Association, China
  • Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia
  • Association for promotion of innovative technologies — InnovativeFET, Croatia
  • Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering-Poznan, Poland

has focused the attention of all European countries at the VII annual edition of its conference “Industry 4.0” this December 08–09.12.2022 on the theme of ISEE – “Industry 4.0 and the necessity of new quality human capital.”

Our colleagues Trifon Stefanov – CEO of the Institute for Systemic Economic Engineering together with Martina Dimitrova – Board Member of Forum ITFES, will be presenting how the political ideology for “Industry 4.0” would be much more robust if it is combined with a new quality human capital.


Start: 07.12.2022

End: 10.12.2022


Barcelona, Spain


European Society for Engineering Education

Website: SEFI